Bridging the Gender Gap in & through Education Gap
No child deserves to miss out on basic education. However, when we examine the statistics regarding education for girls, a stark reality emerges: only 13 percent of girls remain in school by ninth grade. Tragically, parents are often faced with the agonizing question, “Should I feed my daughter or educate her?” This has prompted parents to pull girls out of schools and making them a part of the work force from a young age, depraving them of their right to basic education.
At AF School, our mission goes beyond merely providing education. We strive to bridge the gap of gender inequality in access to education, and shed light onto what women can achieve. Our organization was born from the collective vision of a few pioneering women who recognized the transformative power of education. Their mission? To offer educational opportunities to underprivileged children in their communities, irrespective of gender.
We are working to provide a nurturing environment where girls can thrive academically, intellectually, and emotionally. By investing in their education, we equip them with the tools they need to reach their full potential.
You too can become a part of the change, to bridge the gap between gender inequality and make education a basic right for all.