Ways to Donate

Support Our Causes

Transform Lives with your Contribution!

Sponsor a Child's Education

36,000 PKR

120 USD


Sponsor a Child's Shelter

240,000 PKR

800 USD


Sponsor a Teacher

300,000 PKR

1000 USD


Sponsor a Class

900,000 PKR

3000 USD


Adopt a School

375,000 PKR

1250 USD


Sponsor a New School

Cost estimate will be furnished on request.

How to Donate?

Give Online

Bank Transfer

Account Name: Al Furqan Welfare Organisation
Account No. 100605269240001
IBAN: PK28BKIP0100605269240001
Bank Name: Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd.
Branch Code: 1006

For International or US Transfer:
Account Name: Aspiring Futures
Account No: 1000112308
Bank Name: Third Coast Bank
Rounting: 113094149


Account Name: Al Furqan Welfare Organisation
Zakat Account No. 111100292540001
IBAN: PK45BKIP0111100292540001
Bank Name: Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd.
Branch Code:1111

Schedule a Pickup

Call for cheque or cash pickup
+92307 2194307

Download Shariah Compliance Certificate-AFWO

Become one of the Helpers

Your support, whether through volunteering, donations, or advocacy, strengthens the foundation of our family and empowers communities. Be a part of something meaningful—join the Al Furqan family and help us build a brighter, more inclusive future for all!

Our Biggest Supporter!


Aspiring Futures is a charity based in Houston, Texas – USA. The charity was estabilished with the aim to eradicate illiteracy amongst underprivileged children, providing them with quality education, mentorship and access to growth opportunities.

Expanding the vision further, they have taken AF Schools under their wing scaling up many branches of the schools, transforming the lives of many aspiring rising stars in the process!